Skills Transfer Model

Transfer Model

Stage Two

Delivering the Training


  • All aspects of the training to be delivered in the form that clinicians will use directly with their service users, thus ensuring its ‘ready to go’ with no need for translation
  • Training addresses real-world clinical situations and service users
  • Training draws on real-world systems within which clinicians will work eg assessment tools, record-keeping systems
  • Training incorporates interventions targeting knowledge, skills practice and direct feedback and supervision/reflection
  • Training incorporates ‘transfer assignments’ eg workbooks, case-studies, that require clinicians to use their skills whilst on the training course and immediately afterwards
  • Clinicians prompted to think about and practice with specific service users in mind during the course

  • Clinicians supported to develop new ways of recording their new practice in clinical records and careplans, and reporting on their use of new skills in accordance with decisions made in stage 1
  • (Walker 01; Glen 04; Greenhalgh et al 04; Meyer et al 06, 07; Griscti and Jacob 06; Kirwan 09; Crawford-Docherty 13)