All Client-Facing, Clinical Staff
Building and maintaining positive working relationships with people. Being able to understand what is being communicated, both verbally and non-verbally, and being able to express oneself appropriately (including in writing).
To have an awareness of, and skills in, communicating effectively & supporting people with dementia and their families. To have an awareness of how to communicate with people with dementia and their families about end of life issues.
- To have an open and pleasant manner when talking with people.
- To build and maintain trusting relationships with other people requires an ability to:
- Communicate with warmth, genuineness, understanding and openness
- Not to make value judgements about the person you are with.
- Respond with feeling and to be aware of your own feelings.
- Demonstrate courtesy and respect when communicating with others (as opposed to acting in ways which are rude, disapproving, impatient, belittling, patronising, dismissive, or consciously hurtful).
- Communicate acceptance and value to other people irrespective of other people’s behaviour, attitudes, beliefs, status or background.
- Understanding of the value of effective communication with families, carers and the system as a whole and how this can improve the person’s care.
- Developing & maintaining effective working relationships with relatives & carers whilst taking into account their needs.
- Understanding the work of other agencies and having a knowledge when and how to refer on.
- Understanding the importance of having a consistent staff group for building relationships with people with dementia and their families.
- Provide a basic, brief and accurate verbal or written report of what has happened when you have been working with a person with dementia or their family and to share this with other team members.
- Understand of the importance of confidentiality and have the ability to retain and pass on information appropriately.
- A basic understanding and awareness of body language and nonverbal communication (one’s own, and other peoples’).
- An ability to change how you speak to suit the understanding of the person you are with and to take account of factors such as age, capacity, learning ability etc.
- An ability to understand the impact of the person’s age, culture, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status and spiritual or religious beliefs on how they communicate.
- Listen and respond appropriately in situations where the person is highly distressed (for example, by giving them undivided attention, clarifying understanding of the situation).
- Communicate sensitively when dealing with high levels of distress
- Apply basic de-escalation skills
- Apply basic de-escalation skills with the aim of reducing unhelpful behaviours and managing the person’s feelings.
- Remain boundaried in a crisis (e.g. resisting natural instincts to physically comfort without considering whether this response is in the person’s long term best interests.
- Apply basic listening skills (e.g. to listen and respond encouraging the other person to speak by nodding and smiling where appropriate and asking clarifying questions when necessary).
- Use humour appropriately to help to establish and maintain relationships.
- Know when talking or being there quietly is most important.
- Respond sensitively when receiving highly sensitive or challenging information.
- Communicate an understanding that people are more than their problems or diagnoses (for example, by recognising and valuing the person’s history and life experience).
- Recognise and respond to changes in emotional states
- Understand that the way you speak and behave will affect how comfortable people are when they talk to you.
- The ability to understand the need to have a professional working relationship (and that one is not a ‘friend’).
- An ability to understand that it is important to be consistent and to help the person feel secure by:
- communicating about appointments in a consistent manner.
- ensuring that confidentiality is maintained, even when sessions are in the community or in public.
- being clear about how and when communication is permitted to take place (taking into account guidelines and ethics, e.g. around social media, personal phone numbers etc.).
- ensuring that as far as possible contact between the professional and the client is limited to pre-arranged appointments.
- ensuring that any personal disclosure by the individual staff member are necessary, helpful, and in the client’s best interests.
- avoiding giving, receiving or exchanging gifts.
- ensuring formal boundaries are maintained once the relationship has been concluded and/or during a break in sessions.
An ability to show empathy i.e.:
- To see things from the other person’s perspective;
- To understand their thoughts and feelings and how they might see the world.
- To have the words to express your understanding and how you feel appropriately
- Find more supportive ways to talk with people who may see or hear less well or for whom English is not their first language.
- Understand why effective communication is important in dementia care.
- Recognize the factors that can prevent good communication with people with dementia, for example, an understanding of how problems with thinking and memory may make it more difficult to speak with someone with dementia.
- Understand how communication needs might change with the different stages of dementia (e.g. mild, moderate & severe).
- See behaviour as a communication of need and be able to recognise what needs the person might be communicating verbally and non-verbally (e.g. hunger, pain, feelings, boredom).
- Recognise unmet needs and adjust communication and interactions accordingly.
- Use a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to help to build a relationship and connect with the person with dementia, such as the use of eye contact, saying their name, tone of voice, body language, re-assurance, simple statements and the acceptable & appropriate use of touch.
- Take into account rhythm, pace, tone and volume when communicating with people with dementia with language difficulties.
- Recognise changes in the person with dementia’s body language and expressions and use these as cues to guide responses.
- Identify and avoid the use of patronising language, e.g. using “you” and “your” rather than “we” and “our”, avoiding unsuitable endearments such as “dear”.
- Communicate simple instructions and be able to respond to requests despite the person’s physical difficulties and problems with memory and thinking (for example, the use of simple sentences, one step instructions, allowing time for the person to respond).
- Use effective communication skills when assisting the person with their activities of daily living (for example, using the person’s name, introducing the task, explaining actions, using negotiation if the person is reluctant and respecting the person’s choice to say no and to return when they are less agitated).
- Use positive language with people with dementia (for example, conveying no in a manner that is acceptable, encouraging, reassuring).
- Manage repetitive questions by validating their emotions and redirecting the person.
- Support people with dementia who may be reliving a trauma (for example, by connecting with them, empathising, listening and redirecting when calmer).
- Understand how “appropriate” life story information can be used to support effective communication.
- Create and use aids and memory books and aids to assist with communication with people with dementia.s
- Close interactions appropriately (e.g. smiling, reassuring, thanking, shaking hands).
- Communicate simple instructions and be able to respond to requests despite the person’s physical difficulties and problems with memory and thinking (for example, the use of simple sentences, one step instructions, allowing time for the person to respond).
- Use effective communication skills when assisting the person with their activities of daily living (for example, using the person’s name, introducing the task, explaining actions, using negotiation if the person is reluctant and respecting the person’s choice to say no and to return when they are less agitated).
- Use positive language with people with dementia (for example, conveying no in a manner that is acceptable, encouraging, reassuring).
- Manage repetitive questions by validating their emotions and redirecting the person.
- Support people with dementia who may be reliving a trauma (for example, by connecting with them, empathising, listening and redirecting when calmer).
- Understand how “appropriate” life story information can be used to support effective communication.
- Create and use aids and memory books and aids to assist with communication with people with dementia.s
- Close interactions appropriately (e.g. smiling, reassuring, thanking, shaking hands).
Mental Health Professionals
More advanced communication skills with individuals pertaining to maintaining positive working relationships. Being able to communicate in circumstances that present particular difficulties.
To have well-developed skills in communicating effectively and supporting people with dementia and their families. To have a well-developed understanding of, and skills in working with, families and systems involved in the care of people with dementia, including being able to effectively respond to any challenges. To have a more detailed understanding of how to communicate with people with dementia and their families about end of life issues.
- Prepare an individual to receive significant news, being mindful of how people might respond to concerns/anxieties regarding a potential diagnosis of dementia, including respecting the right of the individual not to know.
- Respect, support and promote equality and all aspects of diversity when communicating with people with dementia.
- Confirm a diagnosis, or discuss other significant news, with sensitivity, following a script and under supervision. For example, finding out what the person already knows or suspects about their diagnosis, exploring what the diagnosis means to the person.
- Give support to the individual following the experience of receiving a diagnosis of dementia.
- Demonstrate understanding of the importance of an ability to work consistently in a crisis.
- Communicate collaboratively with the families of people with dementia when planning assessments, treatments and interventions.
- Provide appropriate guidance, information and advice.
- Acknowledge and validate the impact that caring for a person with dementia may have on family relationships.
- Acknowledge and validate the impact of caring for a person with dementia on younger carers.
- Communicate compassionately and in a timely manner with care partners (e.g. families, other agencies and systems).
- Work effectively and sensitively with other agencies and systems in the best interests of the person dementia and their family.
- Understand systemic approaches to working with families and services
- Communicate one’s own professional opinion or view (both formally and informally, in writing and verbally).
- More advanced interpersonal communication skills involving an ability to:
- Communicate accurate listening by, for example, the use of summaries/paraphrases/the reflecting of feelings.
- Actively monitor the effectiveness of one’s own communication, for example, by monitoring the person’s level of understanding using two-way feedback/clarifying questions.
- Choose and use closed and open question formats.
- Ask about and explore the person’s values and beliefs.
- Negotiate
- Explain the concept/importance of boundaries (as well as establishing, agreeing, and maintaining these throughout the therapeutic relationship).
- Articulate and handle differences of opinion sensitively
- Use self-disclosure in an appropriate manner (to aid intervention/moving the client on).
- The ability to maintain communication when receiving highly sensitive or contentious information or in situations where there is high expressed emotion (e.g. by communicating with the person within their frame of reference; by responding to emotion rather than content)
- An ability to understand that people’s emotional expressions (including aggressive behaviour) are a form of communication
- The ability to communicate about sensitive subjects, such as sexual functioning or continence
- The ability to help people find a language with which to articulate and discuss feelings
- Communicate about sensitive subjects in a straightforward way, such as sexual functioning , personal care or continence.
- Develop more advanced written communication skills – being able to write for different audiences (client/other professional) and purposes (information/opinion); this might involve:
- Communicate effectively in writing, for example, in a clear, grammatical and succinct way, avoiding the use of jargon.
- Understand the importance of the legality of the written record (e.g. observable facts…” I noticed that Fred was….”)
- Explain complex issues (for example risk assessment, care plans) in formal situations (such as ward rounds, meetings with relatives).
Feedback the outcome of an assessment.
- Use oral presentation skills to contribute or lead effectively in group settings, for example:
- In meetings within the team or other services/agencies.
- In group settings such as psycho educational groups or skills groups.
- Formal presentations.
- Adopt a Team approach to delivering care and developing a shared psychological understanding of the person and their needs (& where appropriate, involving the person’s family as core members).
- Have a basic understanding of team and relationship dynamics.
Qualified (Uni-Model) Psychological Therapists
Evidence-Based Skills
Ability to communicate effectively within the context of a specific therapy relationship. Advanced communication skills. To have specialist skills in communicating effectively and supporting people with dementia and their families. To have a specialist understanding of how to communicate with people with dementia and their families about end of life issues.
- Use advanced questioning styles that aid intervention/moving a person on – e.g. Socratic questions, circular questions, solution-focused questions.
- Notice and respond to subtle behaviour changes (e.g. shifts in mood).
- Communicate with distressed individuals (e.g. being able to use psychological techniques to validate the person’s feelings, utilise communication strategies to reduce the levels of distress).
- Summarise and present uni-model psychological ideas/opinions/views (e.g. the nature and purpose of specific models/techniques) in an appropriate and flexible form and style (e.g. verbally/written/diagrammatically; collaboratively/didactically); in different contexts (therapeutic/professional; formal/informal settings).
- Use single model formulations to assist multi-professional communication and understanding
- Train unqualified and qualified staff in the use of communication skills..
- Balance competing needs, for example, the needs of carers, those people with dementia and involved services.
- Liaise and negotiate with families/services/teams and across multiple agencies or with a complex range of health care professionals.
- Understand the significance of relationships and dynamics when interacting with family members and significant others of people with dementia.
- Articulate and defend the needs of the person with dementia to others and to ensure that where possible they are met.
- Deliver formal presentations within the area of knowledge, from the perspective of one model.
- Prepare an individual to receive a diagnosis of dementia.
- Skilfully communicate a diagnosis and its impact to an individual and their families (for example, being able to clearly explain the diagnosis and check understanding, get a balance between the different communication needs of people with cognitive difficulties and their family members, be able to moderate the emotional impact of a diagnosis while ensuring clarity, ensuring any mitigating language used has not resulted in misinterpretation of any diagnostic information).
- Sensitively support the individual during and following the experience of having a diagnosis of dementia (for example, to be able to carry out an emotional exploration of the diagnosis).
- Have well-developed written communication skills (e.g. adapting written communication to meet the needs of different people, e.g. people with dementia, their families, other professionals, communicating about psychological issues).
- Communicate with people varying levels of cognitive ability and to be able to adapt communication skills to effectively meet individual needs and experiences.
- Communication skills with the person with dementia and their family to enable them to understand the psychological processes involved in their approaching death, making adjustments for the lack of verbal communication, pain, psychological and behavioural distress.
- Communicate skills with the person with dementia and their family to enable them to understand the psychological processes involved in their approaching death, making adjustments for the lack of verbal communication, pain, psychological and behavioural distress.
Highly Trained Psychological Workers
Specialist Skills
Ability to communicate in complex and difficult situations where a great deal of sensitivity and a high level of understanding are required.
Specialist advanced communication skills. To have highly specialist skills in communicating with people with dementia and their families.
To have highly specialist skills in working with families and systems involved in the care of people with dementia, including an understanding and management of inter-personal dynamics from a multi-model perspective, in terms of dynamics within the team, and between the team and client. To have highly specialist skills in communicating with people with dementia, their families and colleagues about end of life issues.
- Maintain positive therapeutic relationships whilst communicating about highly complex issues in the context of particularly significant challenges. For example, with those who do not agree that their problems have a psychological element, or hold very fixed beliefs, or whose attachment style makes communication challenging, or where symptoms of complex trauma make communication difficult, or where it is important to take account of other co-existing conditions.
- Communicate a diagnosis of dementia in situations that are challenging and complex (for example, when the dementia is rare or unusual, when there is significant co-morbidity, or when the person is younger).
- Communicate effectively with people with dementia or their families who have complex psychological or interpersonal difficulties.
Individual and Family Level
- Communicate with people with dementia and their families when their situations are more complex (e.g. rarer forms of dementia, young onset dementias)
- Communicate effectively (for example, a professional opinion or view) regarding highly complex issues, both verbally and in writing, within formal and informal settings, from a multi-modal/integrative psychological framework.
- Build and maintain trusting relationships in situations where there are significant challenges, for example;
- On-going difficulties with trust
- On-going issues of conflict, difference of opinion or avoidance
Care Network Level
- Maintain the active and parallel involvement of multiple members of a group e.g. family members, team members, therapy group members, and to communicate with each of them in a way that is congruent with their different developmental stages or roles within the family/group/team/system.
- Communicate in situations where there are complex dynamics.
- Encourage reflection on systemic issues/team dynamics.
- Adopt a team approach to a psychological intervention (or care).
- Communicate complex verbal information effectively to other staff.
- Provide specialist consultation and support to ensure effective use of psychological skills within Teams.
- Adapt communication style to provide integrative/multi-modal support/supervision/consultation/advice/leadership to staff of varying levels of experience/knowledge/skill.
- Formally present scripted and non-scripted material about a range of highly complex issues from an integrative/multi-modal psychological perspective, whilst using strategies to maximise the learning of others (e.g. encouraging audience participation).
- Communicate sensitively with people with dementia and their families as they approach the end of their lives, enabling them where possible to make the best possible choices to ensure ‘a good death’.
- Make reasonable adjustments for people who are unable to communicate due to the stage of dementia, sensory disability, physical illness, pain, religious or cultural differences.
- Help people to communicate their wishes by making an opening for a discussion in relation to topics such as wills, power of attorney, advanced directives, funeral services, bequests and other preferences.
- Communicate knowledge about local resources to the multi-disciplinary team to enable them to support the person to make ‘a good’ death’.
Principal Psychologists
Specialist and Complex Skills
Ability to work with the most challenging of interpersonal situations and contexts with confidence. To have advanced psychological skills in communicating with people with dementia.
To have advanced psychological skills in working with families and systems that provide care for people with dementia. To have advanced psychological skills in communicating with people with dementia, their families and colleagues about end of life issues.
- Advanced psychological skills in communicating with those who present profound challenges to engagement.
- Lead, negotiate, and contribute to decision making according to a number of competing interests.
- Negotiate on behalf of the person with dementia and their family to ensure that their psychological needs are heard understood and met.
- Communicate a professional opinion/view within a multi-modal psychological framework, and maintain it in challenging circumstances.
- Work with those people or systems where previous communication attempts have broken down through lack of skill, knowledge or experience, for example, families of people with dementia that are difficult to engage.
- Contribute to the development of services that meet the communication needs of people with dementia.
- Work in collaboration with other specialist services (e.g. Recovery Teams, Crisis Teams, Care Homes) to effectively meet the needs of people with dementia who have complex presentations or circumstances.
- Develop strong working relationships with other professionals including other service leads.
- Respond to/manage communication difficulties caused by, for example, clashes in communication styles, in systemic contexts.
- Use of communication skills when working clinically with people with dementia, their families and staff groups where the factors around their end of life are particularly complex and challenging, to ensure they have ‘a good death’.
- Help to inform families about distressing information and/or to lead ‘day after death’ meetings for families and staff groups.
- Use communication skills, including group work skills, to support Teams who may have experienced had particularly difficult deaths of the people that they were caring for.
- Communicate clearly with NHS Trusts/Organisations management about the need to develop and support the development of psychological processes around the care of those people dying with dementia, and their families.
Lead/Head Psychologists
An ability to take a position of ultimate responsibility regarding communication about psychological strategy, decisions, and governance. To have highly specialist skills in communicating with people with dementia, their families, colleagues and NHS Trust/Organisation-wide systems about end of life issues.
- Develop strong working relationships with directors, commissioners and policy providers at a local and national level.
- Explain strategic and organisational decisions to everyone in an organisation or professional group.
- Develop and implement policies, taking into account the needs of the organisation, high level professional guidance, and the overall research base.
- Speak with confidence at formal events within and outside the NHS Trust/Organisation.
- Work at an organisational level to ensure that all staff have an awareness of dementia and understand how to communicate effectively with people with dementia.
- Communicate clearly at a local, regional and national level in professional and public fora about best practice in meeting the psychological needs of people with dementia and their end of life care.
- Enable people with dementia, their families and the staff who care for them to articulate their psychological needs and to help to develop and support services which best meet these, locally, regionally and nationally.
- Ensure that there are systems in place to provide audit, research, publication and dissemination to develop the evidence base in this area.