All Client-Facing, Clinical Staff
At the foundation level to be able to creatively engage and connect with people as equals, whatever their life stage or stage in their recovery journey, their families & colleagues.
Being able to understand what is being communicated, both verbally and non-verbally, and being able to express oneself appropriately (including in writing).
- The ability to understand the need to establish and manage therapeutic “boundaries”:
- Communicating in a consistent manner i.e. content and style from an individual and team approach
- Ensuring that confidentiality is maintained, even when sessions are in the community or in public –
- Being clear about how, when and where communication is permitted to take place (taking into account guidelines and ethics, e.g. around social media, personal phone numbers etc.)
- Judging when to use personal disclosures; ensuring that are necessary, helpful, and in the person’s best interests, perhaps as a way of promoting engagement
- To be able to appropriately share aspects of personal life experience to develop rapport and demonstrate understanding as a peer
- Avoiding giving, receiving or exchanging gifts as per local policy
- To actively seek to engage with families; families may be parents, spouses, partners or children (who may also be in the caring role)
The ability to engage with, build and maintain trusting relationships with people and their families as equals
- Through inspiring relationships, offer hope to those who are alienated or disenfranchised and feel powerless
- During interactions focus on the person’s inner resources and existing strengths
- The ability to communicate an understanding that people are more than problems or diagnoses
- The ability to demonstrate courtesy and respect when communicating with others, treating people with dignity
- Being reliable, dependable and trustworthy
- The ability to communicate genuine concern for wellbeing.
- Accepting and valuing the other person irrespective of behaviour, attitudes, beliefs, status or background
- Use terms associated with ‘recovery’ and understand what that uniquely means to the person
- To have a focus on building trust in the relationship with the person and their family/care system
- Offer practical and flexible support to build rapport and trust
- To genuinely learn from the person about their unique experience
- Show a willingness ‘to go the extra mile’
- To have an awareness of appropriate communication that can facilitate engagement e.g. modern media/social networking
- The ability to respond appropriately, calmly and consistently in a crisis; this relies on:
- The ability to communicate sensitively when dealing with high levels of distress
- The ability to apply basic de-escalation skills (with the aim of reducing a person's anger, aggression, agitation, hostility or distress, and preventing unsafe behaviour)
- Encourage responsible risk taking, a positive outlook and expectations of the future
- A basic understanding of body language and nonverbal communication (one’s own, and other people’s) and the impact of diversity on these and the ability to adapt one’s communication style/form to take account of factors such as age, capacity, learning ability, diversity etc.
- To be able to continue to collaborate with people who are challenging, for example, in terms of non-engagement with services due to beliefs about their experiences or suspicions of services
- The ability to engage and maintain contact with a number of different parties (e.g. the person you are working with; families and carers; external agencies)
- The ability to contribute to discussions in various settings such as multidisciplinary team meetings; multi-agency meetings; skills groups
- Be open and show empathy, care and acceptance in communication by affirming the person’s experience and their experience of services
- The ability to communicate empathy, which depends on the ability to experience empathy, defined as follows:
- being able to see things from others’ perspectives
- understanding the person’s thoughts, feelings and worldview
- having the ability to express your own understanding and how you feel appropriately
- To empathise with distress and acknowledge that it is understandable in the circumstances and given the person’s belief system and experiences
- The ability to use humour appropriately and with sensitivity
- The ability to work with people from within their own frame of reference, acknowledging and appreciating their experiences
The ability to apply active listening skills and appropriate expressive communication (e.g. verbal and non-verbal attending; verbal and non-verbal encouragement
- The ability to communicate using a kind, compassionate, caring, warm, understanding, encouraging and non-judgemental approach
- Having a basic open questioning style, reflecting back and summarising what the person has said to clarify mutual understanding
- The ability to listen and respond sensitively, validating (accepting and understanding) experiences and reactions when receiving highly sensitive/contentious information and when there is high distress (e.g. if a person discloses trauma or abuse)
Mental Health Professionals
More advanced communication skills with individuals pertaining to maintaining positive working relationships. Being able to communicate in circumstances that present particular difficulties.
- The ability to engage and maintain contact with a number of different parties (e.g. families and carers; external agencies), and respond to any challenges in this area (e.g. ruptures i.e. deterioration in the relationship seen through varying levels of confrontation or withdrawal - the need to acknowledge these and negotiate new ways of being and ways forward)
- Assuming the capacity for personal responsibility and ‘self-righting’ to get back on track
- Focusing on living well with experiences or “symptoms” versus treating the illness
- Focusing on enabling strengths to work towards personal goals and valued roles
- Working with the person’s frame of reference, respecting different beliefs about experiences and not trying to force everyone to accept a particular way of thinking (i.e. not seeing personal explanations as signs of illness and the need to develop ‘insight’
- To practically demonstrate care and support as a means of creatively engaging the person and their family
- Finding the balance between creating dependence, engagement and supporting independence
- To respect and value diversity including; age, race, culture, disability, gender, spirituality and sexuality, and to flexibly modify communication accordingly to enable collaborative assessment and intervention
- The ability to take account of any factors that might impact on communication, e.g. learning disability, culture, ethnicity, disrupted education, English as a second language, autism and reduced emotional literacy, and modify communication accordingly; this could involve:
- Modifying the environment or context in which communication is taking place
- Modifying the content or structure of communication e.g. simplifying the content; pacing
- Finding alternative ways to communicate (written, diagrams, questionnaires etc.)
- Using communication aids; involving an interpreter
- Supporting self-discovery through creative means e.g. diaries, poetry, art-work
- The ability to communicate with compassion with people who are in an active psychotic/delusional state, (e.g. ‘suspension of disbelief’ - working within the person’s framework, responding to the emotion and the distress rather than the content)
- The ability to help people find a ‘meaningful language’ to discuss experiences, feelings and articulate emotional states and thoughts
- The ability to build and maintain trusting relationships in situations where there are significant challenges, e.g. on-going difficulties with trust, conflict, ruptures to the relationship
- The ability to communicate one’s own professional opinion or view (both formally and informally, in writing and verbally)
- More advanced written communication skills – being able to write for different audiences (people who access the services/other professionals), treating material sensitively with an awareness of the potential impact on the intended audience, presenting it in an accessible way with an appreciation of the legal implications of their writing.
- Feeding back the outcome of an assessment
- Oral presentation skills – the ability to contribute or lead effectively in group settings, for example:
- In meetings within the team or other services/agencies
- In group settings such as psychoeducational groups or skills groups
- Formal presentations
- The ability to explain complex issues (for example risk assessment, care plans) in formal situations (such as Courts)
- The ability to communicate accurate listening e.g. using paraphrasing -to express what has been heard and to clarify understanding and meaning
- The ability to actively monitor the effectiveness of one’s own understanding using reflection and asking clarifying questions
- The ability to articulate and handle differences of opinion sensitively in relationships with the people who come into services and colleagues
- The ability to use self-disclosure in an appropriate manner for the benefit of the person accessing services, including sharing lived experiences and personal coping strategies
- The ability to collaboratively agree with people and their care plan, focusing on the roles and goals valued by the person
- The ability to hold uncertainty, and be genuinely open and curious about experiences and their explanations, having different hypotheses while maintaining an awareness of the influence of the person’s life stage e.g. adolescence and first episode psychosis
- To take people’s account of their experiences seriously, to hold uncertainty - and demonstrate a genuine curiosity regarding possible hypotheses concerning the information described
- The ability to adopt the person’s frame of reference, i.e. to see and appreciate the experience through the person’s own eyes
- The ability to see and work with families as resources, experts and partners in care
- To openly acknowledge and respect the caring role and the stresses and challenges that this can bring
- To walk alongside and collaborate with the person and their family, to make sense of the experience and create some personal meaning, offering possible alternative explanations where appropriate
- To be genuinely tentative in communicating professional perspectives and not just seeing this as a ‘therapeutic manoeuvre’
- Focus on supporting people to identify, elaborate on and work towards personal values and goals
- The ability to use person-centred questioning e.g. “What would make your life more enjoyable?” and then establishing steps “What would it take to make this happen?” without doing it for them what is therapist role?
- To be able to not only establish, but also manage the expectations of others whilst holding hope, especially during repeated reoccurrence of distressing experiences
- To demonstrate compassion, particularly around setbacks, to nurture a more positive view of the self and the future
Qualified (Uni-Model) Psychological Therapists
Evidence-Based Skills
Ability to communicate effectively within the context of a specific psychological intervention relationship. Advanced communication skills.
- To engage in ‘radical collaboration’; where the assumptions are based on:
- The core of the person is positive
- There is a shared responsibility in working towards wellbeing
- Acceptance
- Experiences are on a continuum
- A focus on understanding the distress, not the source of the psychosis –
- The therapist being themselves and modelling interpersonal behaviour
- To be able to communicate in such a way as to motivate and support people to change (e.g. eliciting /evoking change talk i.e. looking forward questions and exploring extremes of change (or lack of), exploring importance and confidence regarding changes using scaling and looking at the decisional balance i.e. pros and cons of staying the same versus change; motivational interviewing skills)
- The ability to use advanced questioning styles that aid intervention, e.g. Socratic questions, solution-focused questions
- To be able to manage high expressed emotion and ‘higher-level’ interpersonal issues within the therapeutic relationship, e.g. poor engagement, boundary testing, the implications of power dynamics, managing interpersonal ruptures, endings and process issues e.g. transference
- The ability to adapt one’s communication style to provide support/supervision/ consultation/advice to staff of varying experience/knowledge/skill, working with one particular model
- Oral presentation skills – able to deliver formal presentations within the area of knowledge, from the perspective of one model
- The ability to tentatively share uni-model psychological ideas (e.g. the nature and purpose of specific models/techniques) in an appropriate and flexible form and style (e.g. verbally/written/diagrammatically; collaboratively/didactically); in different contexts (therapeutic/professional; formal/informal settings)
- The ability to engage in effective written communication of assessments and intervention reports/letters taking account of the unique needs of the intended audience
- The ability to use single model formulations to assist multi-professional communication and understanding
Highly Trained Psychological Workers
Specialist Skills
Ability to communicate in complex and difficult situations where a great deal of sensitivity and a high level of understanding is required.
Specialist advanced communication skills.
- The ability to formally present scripted and non-scripted material about a range of highly complex issues from an integrative/multi-modal psychological perspective, whilst using strategies to maximise the learning of others (e.g. encouraging audience participation)
- The ability to maintain the active and parallel involvement of multiple members of a group e.g. family members, team members, therapy group members, and to communicate with each of them in a way that is congruent with their different developmental stage or roles within the family/group/team/system
- To flexibly engage with people in community settings, reflecting on professional boundaries and holding in mind the purpose, meaning, impact and context of the interventions to ensure the benefit to the person is of paramount focus
- The ability to maintain positive and ‘hopeful’ therapeutic relationships and adapt interactions accordingly
- Communicating (providing & receiving) highly complex, sensitive and contentious information regarding issues that require an integrative perspective
- Being able to formulate particularly significant challenges (for example, with those who hold very fixed beliefs, or whose attachment style makes communication challenging, such as being hostile and antagonistic in highly emotive atmospheres or where co-existing conditions need to be taken account of e.g. learning disability/issues with substance misuse)
- The ability to communicate effectively (for example, a professional opinion or view) regarding highly complex issues, both verbally and in writing, within formal and informal settings, from a multi-model/integrative psychological framework
- The ability to adopt and lead a team approach to delivering psychologically informed care
- The ability to adapt communication style to provide integrative/multi-modal support/supervision/consultation/advice/leadership to staff of varying levels of experience/knowledge/skill
- To be able to recognise, understand and work sensitively with systemic issues and power dynamics in relationships with people in services, colleagues and senior management
Principal Psychologists
Specialist and Complex Skills
Ability to work with the most challenging of interpersonal situations and contexts with confidence
- Highly specialised skills are required when communicating with those who present profound challenges to engagement
- The ability to develop strong working relationships with other professionals including service leads
- The ability to communicate a professional opinion/view within a multi-modal psychological framework, and maintain it in challenging circumstances
- Provide consultation and leadership, from a multi-model perspective, in the team regarding the provision of various psychological interventions
- The ability to respond to/manage communication difficulties, e.g. those caused by clashes in communication styles or differences in systemic contexts (e.g. between colleagues/disciplines/teams/agencies) and to formulate and intervene sensitively in this network
- Have a detailed understanding and management of interpersonal dynamics from a multimodal perspective in terms of dynamics within the team, and between the team and person accessing services
- The ability to work with those people or systems where previous communication attempts have broken down
- To have an awareness of the impact of negative labelling on people and their care and to challenge this at an individual and team level.
- To challenge stigma and unhelpful aspects of traditional models, which can disempower and give rise to hopelessness.
- The ability to lead, negotiate, and contribute to decision making according to a number of competing interests
- The ability to encourage other professionals to reflect on current/innovative practice
Lead/Head Psychologists
Ability to take position of ultimate responsibility regarding communication about psychological strategy, decisions, and governance.
- The ability to develop strong working relationships with directors and commissioners
- The ability to explain (sometimes contentious) strategic and organisational decisions to everyone in an organisation
- The ability to develop and implement policy, taking into account and balancing the needs of the organisation, high level professional guidance, and the overall research base
- The ability to speak with confidence at formal events within and outside the NHS Trust/Organisation, being an ambassador for the profession and service